"Thanks again for everything," he said. "Ken, you completely changed my life!"![]() Everyone, please meet David Munsell. He was Ken's freshman, random roommate at The University of Arizona at only 18 years old. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Ken encouraged David to exercise on a more regular basis and helped him with his eating habits and grocery shopping. Just 9 months later, David lost over 75 pounds at the end of the school year.
Still in close contact with his family today, Ken recently spoke to his mom and she tells him, "I remember talking to your mom after David left Arizona. I hold her that you were an incredible motivator and you truly helped David change his life, and in many ways, you saved his life. You were meant to help people, and I am so happy for you that you are in a position to help and motivate so many more." - Leslie Munsell
Here is a picture of David before and after he changed his everyday life. Thanks to Ken, David now shares his new physique with close family and friends back at home with more self-confidence, energy, self-esteem and motivation. Ken couldn't be more proud of David for all of his accomplishments. His hard work ethic, dedication and drive for success has really helped encourage those he surrounds himself with to live his happy and healthy lifestyle.
David is now newly married living in Peninsula, Ohio with his wife, Lisa. Congratulations! "You can do anything you set your mind to David. I am very proud of you! Keep up the fantastic work! Please keep me posted. Always stay in close contact." - Ken C. Rawlins