Ken Rawlins Answers Your Questions!![]() ATHLETE QUESTIONNAIRE
Name: Ken C. Rawlins Nick Name: K.C. Rawlins
Age: 29 Height: 5’10”
Competition Weight: 165 pounds Offseason Weight: 180 pounds
Do you have a Facebook fan page, Twitter profile or other social media? Instagram: @KenRawlins
How long have you been training for and why did you start?
Once an extremely skinny 135 pound football player my freshman year in high school, I broke and dislocated my shoulder after I caught a long reception and was tackled hard to the ground. Determined to not let that stop me, I wanted to do all I could to prevent that from happening again. Once healed and healthy, I began to hit the weights to better prepare and protect myself on the football field. Seeing and witnessing my own body transform into a bigger, faster and stronger player, my love and passion for fitness and exercise grew from that point forward.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
Growing up I always wanted to be a professional athlete. My one of many goals was to have my last name on the back of my jersey because I have always wanted to lead by example.
Do you have a favorite body part?
My favorite body part is my posterior deltoids. An underestimated and often forgotten muscle by most, it sets my physique apart from other competitors because of its physical appearance. It makes my shoulders and back seem bigger, stronger and much more broad because of its shape and size.
What hobbies or interests do you have outside the gym?
Surfing has always been my favorite hobby. Born and raised in Southern California, I have always been a beach boy who likes the water and loves the ocean. Fishing, swimming and diving are just some of my many interests. Barbecues and bonfires with close family and friends are always enjoyable.
What does your normal diet consist of? Do you believe in eating clean all year round or do you think if it fits you macronutrient requirements then who cares?
Eating clean year round has always been something that has helped me maintain my lean look. Cheating on occasion will never happen when dieting for a shoot or show. During this time, my meals will always be weighed, my calories are usually counted, my salt and water is always monitored and my macronutrients are typically calculated. Every meal will always be packed, prepared and ready for travel. My schedule to eat is every 2 to 3 hours and all of my required micronutrients will always be taken.
Do you have a regular cardio routine?
I will always complete my cardio early AM on an empty stomach 8-12 weeks out from every competition. I usually prefer the stepmill or treadmill to maintain my intensity and will always monitor my heart rate when walking or running. I typically never exceed 20 to 30 minutes, 5 to 6 days a week. In the offseason, my cardio is very minimal to help maintain my strength, size and total weight.
Do you prefer steady state cardio or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)?
When doing my cardio, I usually take a more conservative approach than others and perform steady state cardio on a more regular basis. On occasion, I will perform HIIT both indoors or out to diversify my workout and prevent myself from boredom.
What is your weekly training split like?
What does your current training routine look like and what are your specific goals?
Back/Tri Lat Pulldown (Cable) Tricep Pushdown (EZ Bar)
Rows (Cable) Weighted Dips (Bench)
Seated Rows (Machine) Kickbacks (Dumbbell)
Chest/Bi Incline Press (Dumbbells) Bicep Curl (Dumbbells)
Chest Fly (Dumbbells) Bicep Curl (Bar)
Chest Press (Machine) Hammer Curl (Rope)
Legs/Abs Squats (Bar) Sit-Ups (Ground)
Walking Lunges (Dumbbells) Heal Touch (Ground)
Leg Extensions (Machine) Hamstring Curls (Machine)
Shoulders Military Press (Dumbbells) UpRight Row (Bar)
Reverse Flies (Machine) Front Raise (Dumbbells)
Arnold Press (Dumbbells) 1 Arm Lateral Raise (Cable)
What would your top 3 exercise’s be and why?
Incline Chest Press (Bench): Helps round my chest. Military Press (Dumbbells): Helps broaden my frame. Reverse Flies (Machine): Helps develop my shoulders.
What does your pre and post workout nutrition consist of?
Nothing will be eaten before my cardio to help with fat loss. My meals will never be altered before my weight training session later that day. I will usually eat 1 hour before I lift to help fuel my body before I train. A post workout shake will always be taken immediately after my workout to help with muscle repair and recovery.
There has been a lot of talk of late about intermittent fasting what are your thought on this?
Personally, I have never done this myself besides doing my early AM cardio on an empty stomach. If your cardio program, workout routine and diet plan is on point and done correctly, I am a firm believer there is no need for doing this to maintain high energy levels and a fast metabolism. As most of you may know, your body will always need the necessary nutrients to help you reach your goals. Like a car, your body won’t perform correctly without the proper fuel.
What would your "top three supplements on a budget" be and why?
As a sponsored athlete with British Nutrition, I take their X-TRA WHEY protein powder. For those who don’t know what X-TRA WHEY is, it’s a whey protein isolate. Unlike most comparable products, X-TRA WHEY doesn’t contain fillers. It contributes to my lean body mass, strength, repair and growth.
What is your favorite meal?
My favorite meal has always been breakfast. Eager to eat shortly after my early AM cardio, I will always have an appetite for eggs, avocado, oats and a coffee with Truvia or Stevia with cinnamon to start my mornings.
Did you have any idols growing up and why did you idolize them?
As a kid, I always idolized Laird Hamilton for his drive, dedication and passion for action sports. A total stud both in and out of the water, I still look-up to him today. We share a lot of the same hobbies and characteristics, such as surfing, working out and living life to the fullest!
What is your proudest achievement?
My proudest achievement was when I became an IFBB professional athlete at Nationals in Atlanta, GA at the end of 2012. I was 1 of 12 to earned their pro card out of nearly 200 total qualified ‘Men’s Physique’ competitors from all over the country. Well aware the odds were against me, I always knew I could compete against some of the best in the business because of my hard work, confidence and determination to win.
What does the future hold for you?
Currently changing lives one client at a time, my goal is to help others all over the world. I now offer online coaching with meal plans, cardio programs, workout routines and more, as seen on my website below:
In addition, I will be traveling to India later this year to launch ‘B Strong Academy’ by British Nutritions. It’s an online educational resource with certified nutritionists, sports psychologists and fitness professionals like myself. We will be soon be offering all of our viewers and fan followers fitness advice and nutritional information to educate those in need of help and assistance.
I will soon be offering a full-body exercise device for all levels of fitness. It’s easy for travel, extremely light weight and will allow for over 1,000 exercise. Excited to launch in 2014, this latest project of mine is still under development. Please stay tuned for more!
Have you done any health and fitness courses or other education? Education University of Arizona - Tucson, Arizona - Business Bond University - Gold Coast, Australia - Study Abroad Equinox - Irvine, California - EFTI (Equinox Fitness Training Institute) Personal Training Certifications AFAA - Aerobics & Fitness Association of America - Personal Trainer Certification NESTA - National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association - Fitness Nutrition Coach Gym Equipment Certifications PowerPlate - Vibrating Plate Training & Exercise TRX - Core, Suspension, Bodyweight Training Kettlebell - Strength, Flexibility and Full-Body Cardiovascular Ballistic Exercise ViPR - Whole-Body Functional Training, Strength, Conditioning and Movement
What is the most important thing you have learned in the past two years?
Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels!
If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice when you first started training what would it be?
Don’t overtrain or underestimate the importance of recovery. My body needed rest on occasion when I was younger, but it didn’t stop me from going to the gym on a more regular basis for long periods of time. This could lead to possible damage or injury to your body and muscles if done incorrectly. Training smarter, not harder is something I will always value. I strongly encourage all of you to please contact me for guidance and proper instruction with any questions or concerns you may have:
Being an elite athlete in your field, what motivates you year after year to improve and keep focused during tough times?
Life will always throw you curveballs. For most, these challenges usually stop or distract us. If you know who you are, where you’re going and how you’re going to get there, all of us should be held responsible for our own actions both in and out of the gym. If it was easy, everyone would do it! There should be no reason your goals can never be accomplished if you surround yourself with positive people with positive attitudes that will always be supportive along the way.
What words of inspiration would you give to fans or anyone who would like to have a physique like yours?
Dream big, work hard, plan well, smile always and good things will happen! |