Your Latest 'Mens Physique' Professional is Asked Questions from After He Receives His IFBB Pro CardFor those who never knew, Ken once worked the front desk of a local gym making minimum wage. People barely know his name. He wanted to be a personal trainer. It took him three times to finally pass his certification. Always introducing himself to new clients, he slowly built his business. Sharing his passion for fitness and exercise with family and friends, Ken has now had the opportunity to work with professional athletes and celebrity superstars.Entering his first fitness competition at the end of 2011, he was very disappointed with the final result. Down, but never out, he promised himself that would never happen again. Since then, and three national competitions later, he has never placed lower than 5th. With nearly 200 total 'Men's Physique' competitors at Nationals this year in Atlanta, GA, Ken was one of twelve that turned professional. He says, "I have never worked so hard for something in his entire life."
He wants to thank everyone who expressed their support. The countless phone calls, text messages and endless emails he received shortly after his victory sincerely meant the world to him. He really looks forward to the future!
For more, please visit Ken's interview with at the following website after his last competition at Nationals in November of 2012: